Letter: Lifeline for elderly

Bus pass is lifeline for the elderly.Bus pass is lifeline for the elderly.
Bus pass is lifeline for the elderly.
It is the Scarborough Older Peoples Forum's 20th anniversary this year, and April 18 marked the 10th anniversary since the introduction of the older person's bus pass.

Members of Scarborough Older Peoples Forum, which was formed 20 years ago are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the concessionary travel pass which enables pensioners to travel anywhere in the country free of charge on public transport.

This has been a lifeline to many elderly people allowing them to visit friends, do voluntary work and get out and about thus alleviating loneliness and isolation, a blight on toady’s society.

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At the meeting held in March which 90 people attended members expressed how much they value the pass which helps them lead a more active life and keep in contact with friends and family.

Some of the comments were:

•Let’s me enjoy days out.

•Freedom to get out of my four walls.

•Enjoy socialising.

•Easy access to shops and doctors.

We hope that future governments appreciate how this enriches people’s lives and will continue to support this vital lifeline for years to come.

Audrey Cooke


on behalf of the committee

of The Older Peoples Forum

Melrose Street, Scarborough

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