Come on Grand Hotel ... open bins for gulls, cigarette ends, discarded black bags

The Scarborough News this week calls on businesses and private landlords to help support council efforts to improve the environment.

These pictures were taken of the frontage of the historic Grand Hotel in Scarborough, where debris and a discarded black bag was piled up in a corner alongside many cigarette butts and large uncovered refuse bins left at the front as the public walk by with gulls picking at the contents.

The Grand is not the only business where environmental action would benefit the town centre.

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Some pubs are also adding to the poor environment, including a venue at Ramshill where smokers stand at the entrance in front of passers-by and alongside unsightly refuse skips left at the frontage alongside the traffic lights.

In contrast, Wetherspoons’ Lord Rosebery pub has just undergone renovations that have refurbished the entire upper frontage and restored the brickwork. The Grand Hotel declined to respond to requests to comment on calls for a cleaner, better street scene.