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. Scarborough Retro
Clive Welburn, centre, Scalby’s Got Talent winner presents £200 to St Catherine’s Hospice director of fundraising David Marshall, centre right, watched by his friends and fans at The Plough.

. Scaborough Retro
Ex Northstead headteacher John Scoble returned to the school to see how the planters and seeds from his retirement were getting on.

1. Scarborough Retro
Clive Welburn, centre, Scalby’s Got Talent winner presents £200 to St Catherine’s Hospice director of fundraising David Marshall, centre right, watched by his friends and fans at The Plough.

2. Scaborough Retro
Ex Northstead headteacher John Scoble returned to the school to see how the planters and seeds from his retirement were getting on.

4. Scarborough Retro
The Wheatcroft team winners of the Scarborough Schools Athletics Tournament are pictured with their medals and trophies.