Life on Tapp: My goals for 2024 won’t be as lofty as in previous years...
Blaise Tapp writes: There isn't a great deal else to do this week other than lose ourselves in our own thoughts, given that we are either all still on holiday or the majority of us who are working are either clearing out inboxes or reviewing their Fantasy Football team. If we aren’t worrying about having somehow gained half a stone in just seven days – I once managed to put on nine pounds over the festive period – then we’re most probably wondering where the last 360-odd days went and why we didn’t accomplish most if any of our last lot of New Year goals and resolutions.
We live in an age where hubris and grand ambition are often seen to trump hard work and commitment and how positive thinking can overcome almost any obstacle. Podcasts and social media platforms are awash with inspirational tales of how people have ditched the Marks and Spencer shirt and the Chinos to follow their dreams and lead a truly fulfilled life. Whatever that might mean.
In the coming weeks, it’s a fair bet that there will be a surge in the number of people looking for a new job, with some going that one step further by starting a new life, far away from the rat race.
I’m not immune from the phenomenon of late December wishful thinking and every year for the past 25, I’ve started January with some sort of grand plan. On occasions, this ambition has paid off and I have ended up eventually achieving my aims such as a fresh start or learning a new skill. Obviously these are the exception rather than the rule and it’s now highly unlikely that I’ll ever win the Booker Prize, largely because I haven’t made it to the end of chapter one of my first novel.
I’ve yet to decide what my goals for 2024 will be, but I’m almost certain that they won’t be anywhere near as lofty as they have been in the past. It’s not that I’ve lost my ambition more that my ambition has changed.
With my half century now plainly in sight, these days I’m just as focused on getting the balance between work and living than I am about career goals. Improving my stamina as well as learning even more about the world around me are what drives me these days. I probably don't need to reflect on that fact for too long.