Scarborough’s deserted park and ride cost millions - and is a ‘complete and utter failure’

Seamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard PonterSeamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard Ponter
Seamer rd Park and Ride . pic Richard Ponter
Senior officers and councillors at Scarborough Town Hall must have seen, like the majority of Scarborough residents and our visitors, that the Park and Ride operation, which many of us have passed for years on our daily struggle to and from work along Seamer Road, is, in every respect, a complete and utter failure.

Indeed, the Park and Ride site, which we have paid millions to provide, is, more often than not, virtually deserted.

Most of us using Seamer Road have plenty of time to stare at the empty Park and Ride car park, and sadly contemplate, the huge amount of our money the council has wasted on building and operating this site.

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This is because we are usually stuck behind one of the hugely expensive, and nearly always empty, Park and Ride buses that are constantly clogging up our roads.

Not that our inconvenience, or the cost, will greatly bother those who introduced this scheme as they did not have to pay for it and they certainly don’t need to use it.

My neighbour said to me only the other day, as he ranted to me about the madness of the council giving a £9m loan to Alpamare: “I am sick of paying for this council’s failures” - and I don’t think many council tax payers will disagree.

Colin Relph

Stepney Road
