Take a look at these pictures and see how many familiar faces you can spot!

. BNO June 13 graphic.jpg
We look back at big nights out in Scarborough and Malton in 2013. Photo: submitted

. Big Night Out
Dave, Lewis & James from Macclesfield in Blue Lounge 132227a Photo: Graeme Farrah

. Big Night Out
Karen, Mandy, Helen & John on a family night out in Barbican. 132344f Photo: Graeme Farrah

. Big Night Out
Paul, Michael, Neil & Martin celebrating Neil's 40th in Barbican. 132344g Photo: Graeme Farrah

. Big Night Out
Sammy Jo & Lauren having a great time in Barbican. 132344m Photo: Graeme Farrah

. Big Night Out
Amanda, Ella & Sharon on a girl's night out in Klosters. 132254k Photo: Graeme Farrah

. Big Night Out
Joe, Shellie, Matty, Corky, Tom, Damo & Deano in The Ship. 132344d. Photo: Graeme Farrah

1. Big Night Out
Dave, Lewis & James from Macclesfield in Blue Lounge 132227a Photo: Graeme Farrah

2. Big Night Out
Karen, Mandy, Helen & John on a family night out in Barbican. 132344f Photo: Graeme Farrah

3. Big Night Out
Lauren, Holly, Rosie & Shaun in Blue Lounge. 132344l Photo: Graeme Farrah